
Poems on topics both serious and not-so-serious

O What a Luxury

O what a luxury it be
What pleasure O what perfect bliss
So ordinary and yet chic
To pee to piss to take a leak

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Billy the Kid

Billy the Kid
Didn’t do half of what they said he did
He rustled cattle, I guess that’s true,
But nobody knew who they belonged to.

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Vacation Guilt

Vacation Guilt

Sitting on the shore beside the warm Pacific,
I watch the women dancing in the foam
Overhead the palm trees whisper calm and soporific
O say why should I be
Full of guilt and misery?

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The Story of English

The Story of English

The story of English is a story of success.
A thousand years ago, who woulda guessed
This obscure unpronounceable Germanic tongue
Would someday become No. 1.

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Ode on the Induction of the Biscuits to the Radio Hall of Fame

Ode on the Induction of the Biscuits to the Radio Hall of Fame

O let us all sing of the Powdermilk Band,
Or at least let us hum, if a tune we can’t carry,
To honor these four who before us do stand
(From your left to right), Bob, Adam, Dick, Mary.

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In Memory of Our Cat, Ralph

In Memory of Our Cat, Ralph

When we got home, it was almost dark.
Our neighbor waited on the walk.
“I’m sorry, I have bad news,” he said.
“Your cat, the grey-black one, is dead.

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The autoharp is an instrument on which simple harmony
Is obtained by pressing a chord bar, such as F or G,
Felt dampers thereby deaden the strings that are not needed,
And strumming it makes music, it is generally conceded.

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